✔ All: New My Photopia online licensing
✔ All: Spectral remapping to allow viewing non-vis data
✔ All: Cleaned up % and decimals for SS/HS
✔ All: Cleaned up absolute IES for LCS/SS/HS
✔ All: Improved reliability of install
✔ All: Improved absolute UGR values
✔ All: Improved default Type A angle sets
✔ SOLIDWORKS: Added interaction by Object
✔ SOLIDWORKS: New Reports for FAA/DLC/E*
✔ SOLIDWORKS: Using rayset will use all rays specified
✔ SOLIDWORKS: Appearances in double nested subs
✔ SOLIDWORKS: Units of luminance set to cd/m2
✔ SOLIDWORKS: Test distance shown in proper units
✔ SOLIDWORKS: Improved PODT with rot. coordinates